Invitation – newcomers and expats

On September 16 at 06.30 p.m. we invite newcomers and expats in Struer to an evening with information about what Struer has to offer.

Place: The Library in Struer

We talk (and laugh) about Danish habits and how we live our daily life. The event will be in English and we will serve snacks with a Danish theme.


06.30  Welcome

06.40 Introduction to the Danish library system and the options you may find interesting as an expat (Library manager Rasmus Thøgersen)

07.00 How to get involved with arts, sports, sulture and all the associations we have. Thomas Maroti Antunes, Area Director for Culture and Leisure, will share the possibilities of the area

07.30 Snacks similar to ‘Smørrebrød’ – break

0800 Stand up with Abby Wambaugh & Jefferson Bond


Sign up deadline is September 11.


Andre nyheder

Nyhedsbrev #5, 2024

Her er link til nyhedsbrev, der fortæller om ny vækstkonsulent, spændende møder med bl.a. Troels Lund Poulsen og diverse øvrige møder. Klik HER

Vækstkonsulent ansat

37-årige Kristina Skøtt Pedersen bliver den nye vækstkonsulent, der skal være med til at styrke erhvervsindsatsen i Struer Kommune Foto: Anders Trærup Fotografi Kristina Skøtt

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