Free online webniars on Danish Culture

You’ve moved to a new country, and most likely you have and will encounter culture clashes and elements of culture shock in your new everyday life. By giving you insights into the underlying values and structures of the culture and society you now live in, we wish to help you understand the differences and make your start in Denmark easier.

The programme consists of 3 webinars that will cover the following topics.

  • Danish Culture, Values, Customs & Traditions
    Thursday 28. January 2021 5-6.30 pm
  • The Danish Political System & the Welfare Principles
    Thursday 25. February 5-6.30 pm  Sign up here
  • The Danish Labor Market & Educational System
    Thursday 25. March 5-6.30 pm Sign up here


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Nyhedsbrev #5, 2024

Her er link til nyhedsbrev, der fortæller om ny vækstkonsulent, spændende møder med bl.a. Troels Lund Poulsen og diverse øvrige møder. Klik HER

Vækstkonsulent ansat

37-årige Kristina Skøtt Pedersen bliver den nye vækstkonsulent, der skal være med til at styrke erhvervsindsatsen i Struer Kommune Foto: Anders Trærup Fotografi Kristina Skøtt

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